LukeStronger Inc. (“LukeStronger”) is a nonprofit (501 C 3) providing assistance to local families navigating pediatric cancer diagnoses so that parents can spend time with their children. LukeStronger originated when Luke Bradley, a then 10-year-old boy from South Hadley, relapsed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Local residents rallied to support his family with, among other things, a benefit golf tournament. Complications and another unforeseen relapse kept Luke at Boston Children’s Hospital for 15 months. In December, 2017 he underwent a bone marrow transplant and we are pleased to report that he is doing well!
Bone marrow transplants leave the patient with a compromised immune system that dictates isolation for many, many months. For children this means a parent or guardian must be with them 24/7 creating a financial burden, particularly if a parent or guardian has to leave employment, which was the case for Luke.
Knowing firsthand the financial struggle that comes with a pediatric cancer diagnosis, Luke’s family created a nonprofit to help other families by continuing the golf tournament tradition. Together with friends, in its short history, LukeStronger has helped sixteen local families fill in the income gap caused by pediatric cancer. All profits go to the family. LukeStronger does not expect repayment.